The Association brings together the senior members of Sutton's African and Caribbean communities for friendship and reminiscing; caring and sharing; help and guidance on health, wellbeing and for cultural and community events. Wheelchair accessible, table tennis, darts and board games.

Our Aims

  1. The Association is established to promote the health and well being, provide support, advice and informal education to members of the African and Caribbean community, their families and friends  in the areas covered by London borough of Sutton.
  2. The Association will promote good fellowship and cultural activities beneficial to its members.
  3. The Association will work with people over the age of 50 to promote good health and wellbeing.
  4. The Association will also work with Parents and young people to encourage the establishment of a healthy life style •
  5. The Association will fundraise to support the social welfare needs of its members.

Our Objectives

  1. Work with local, sub—regional, regional, national and international communities,voluntary and statutory organisations and agencies to provide good quality services to its members •
  2. Respond to issues that affects its members welfare and wellbeing •
  3. Promote and or undertake or assist in the promotion or undertaking of research and consultation amongst members.•
  4. Facilitate regular meetings, social outings, training and learning opportunities for us, individuals and other member interest groups •
  5. Collect and disseminate appropriate information on matters affecting or likely to affect the aims of the Association and exchange such information with members and other bodies having similar aims.